Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To have a Pitching Coach or not to....?

Photo Courtesy of softballtips.wordpress.com

There comes a time in every young girl's pitching career that she either thinks about getting a pitching coach or decides that she needs one. My best advice to give any girl out there is to make sure you have one. A pitching coach is a good tool to have but lessons with your pitching coach do not need to take place everyday. It would be great if both parties could contribute that much time but this would also get expensive. Having a pitching coach is a good idea because by having one you can allow yourself to grow as a pitcher. Your coach can see your habits and fix them, teach you new pitches, and also attend your games to see the different things you may do in a game compared to practice.

Some Tips to finding a good Pitching Coach are...
  • Make sure they are a reliable credible person. It would be a good idea to have a girl instructing you that at least played college softball.
  • Make sure they are friendly and like to engage with you.
  • Also, if you feel they don't pay enough attention to your personal needs move on to someone else.

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