Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Curve Ball

The curve ball is a pitch that curves away from a right hand batter and would curve inside on a left handed batter. The curve ball can be thrown with the motion of your hand going on top of the ball or the motion of your hand going underneath the ball. I throw my curve with my hand on top of the ball so this is how you would hold that type of curve ball.

When releasing the curve ball you want to focus on keeping your arm close to your body just as you did with your screw ball. The less outer lateral movement you have the more effective your pitches will be. While and after you release the ball you want to focus on "putting your thumb in your pocket". If you remember this technique your curve ball will have a great amount of movement on it.

If you can keep your curve ball just on a small portion of the plate and then have it moving off right after you will be very successful. The curve base is a difficult pitch to hit when it is thrown well.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Screw Ball

This is the first post of my blog. My blog post will all generally deal with softball. In this first blog I will explain to you how to throw a screw ball. The screw ball is a pitch that curves in on a right handed batter.

This is how you hold the grip for a screw ball. You put your index finger to the left side of the first seem and your middle finger on the left side of the second seem.

When you are releasing the ball you want to focus on keeping your arm close to your body. The idea of this pitch when you are releasing it to is think about turning a door handle. It is also beneficial to take a step out a little bit more than usual.

The screw ball is a handy pitch to have in your arsenal. It keeps batters off the plate and you will always have them thinking.